Friday, November 29, 2019

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement - CoSchedule

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement Pinterest isnt just an awesome place to find new recipes or inspiration for a clever DIY project. Its also a great place for sharing content and marketing your brand. To connect with  your audience on Pinterest, you need to know the right tactics to drive the most engagement possible. In social media terms, engagement refers to the use of strategic, resourceful content to create meaningful interactions over time. If you search Google for  Pinterest Engagement you might find yourself looking at endless photos of engagement rings, but not here. Here you will learn  15 ways you can skyrocket your Pinterest engagement. If your brand isnt on Pinterest, it might be worth making an account. Pinterest was once known as that social media network that was all about housewives and pretty pictures, but now its comfortably taking on the big three (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) of social media. While 80% of users are female, men are starting to catch the Pinterest bug. In the past year, the number of male users has doubled, making them Pinterest’s fastest growing demographic. This means Pinterest has the ability to bring in a high engagement rate. But how? Lets get started and find out! Optimize Your Pinterest Posting Schedule For Maximum Engagement Optimize your Pinterest schedule (and all your other social media), with this free resource bundle. 1. Create Multiple Boards Related to Your Brand Creating multiple boards on Pinterest gives your brand more opportunity to catch your audience's attention. If you have one or two boards with 500+ random Pins, no one is going to take the time to look because your profile will look barren. On the other hand, if you have several well-organized boards that have distinct categories, your audience will be more likely to check them out. Social Media Examiner does a great job at keeping their boards organized by category: The names and descriptions of your Pinterest boards are important. Not only do they tell  users exactly what they can expect, they also assist users  in finding your content. Try to keep the names of your boards short and simple for easy readability. To create a Pinterest board, click the  Create Board  icon: Then decide the title of the board, add an optional description, and categorize what type of board you'd like: Click  create and wallah! Repeat these steps for each new Pinterest board you create. Create multiple boards on Pinterest for easy categorization.2. Repin Valuable Content From Other Accounts Just like with any social media platform, sharing others’  content is one of the best ways to show that you’re not all about you, and that you value a variety of perspectives beyond your own. The same goes for Pinterest. According to Social Marketing Writing, 80% of Pins on Pinterest are repins. To find content for repinning, follow these steps: 1. Use Pinterest's search bar to locate keywords relating to your brand. 2. After finding a Pin you want to repin, select Save: 3. Select which board of yours you want the repin to be placed on: See something great on #Pinterest? Repin it!3. Use Appealing Cover Photos for Pinterest Boards Just like Facebook, you can create cover photos for Pinterest. At , we have five distinct boards that have their own cover image to help our audience better find our content. Creating cover photos for your boards is an excellent way to establish branding. Including branding images  such as colors, logo, and style allows users to become more familiar with your visual message. Be sure to choose one or two short words that describes what type of content your board includes. To create a cover photo for your Pinterest boards, start by designing a graphic that fits with your company's branding  and is  217 X 147 pixels. Locate the board you want the image to be placed and click the  edit button: Under  Cover in the edit settings, click  Change. Select the graphic you just added to be your cover photo. Once you've selected the photo, click  Save Changes. Repeat these step for each of your Pinterest boards. Give your #Pinterest boards creative cover images.4. Use Long Images  To Stand Out On Boards Don't be a square, be a rectangle when it comes to Pinterest images. Pinterest is a visual playground for your audience, so it's important that your Pin stands out above the rest. Tall images are proven to be more eye-catching and easier to read than wide ones because it's much easier to scroll vertically than horizontally. Taller images- those containing more "content"- tend to get more repins than shorter images. Think infographic-style image like this Pin: Here's a few fun facts about Pinterest images from Design School: Images with multiple dominant colors have 3.25 times more repins than images with only a single dominant color. Images containing less than 30% background are repinned the most. Images with less than 10% background receive between 2-4 times more repins than images with more than 40% background. Red, orange and brown images get twice as many repins than blue images. Less than 1/5 of images on Pinterest are of faces. Similarly, a brand image is 23% more likely to be repinned if the image does not have a face in it. The next time you design an image for Pinterest, try making it the ideal size of 725 pixels wide x 1102 pixels high. Recommended Reading: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following 5. Have Conversations and Say 'Thank You' Pinterest is a social media platform after all, so it's time to get social! Pinterest allows users to have conversations with each other through direct messages. To send a direct message, simply click the paper airplane icon and type in the name of the user you want to send the Pin to. To use direct messaging for Pinterest marketing, Positionly  offers the following advice: Reach out to fans who have liked a product offering them assistance in purchasing the item. Offer thanks to followers through a personalized message for re-pinning one of your pins. Send out personalized coupons or gift cards to star re-pinners and get them to transact on your site. Set up group conversations with like-minded followers. Help them connect with each other and your brand on topics of mutual interest. Another way to interact with your audience on Pinterest is by saying thank you. When someone retweets you on Twitter, you thank them for mentioning you. When someone shares your post on Facebook, you comment thanking the user for sharing. On Pinterest it is no different. If you see someone has repinned your Pin, then make the effort to go to their Board, and make a comment saying â€Å"thanks† for repinning.  This tactic is  overlooked on Pinterest, and by doing it, you could bring yourself some great engagement with other Pinners. To thank a user: Find the Pin you want to comment on. Click  comments  on the bottom left corner of the Pin. Type your 'thank you' message and click the red comment button. See someone repin your content on #Pinterest? Be sure to thank them.6. Add Group Boards  for More Exposure Creating your own Group Board gives you the upper hand in deciding many things, including who you want to add as collaborators. This also provides you with access to the group’s analytics. By creating a group board, you are allowing collaborators of your choice to add Pins and share ideas.  Your audience may already be liking, commenting and sharing your content with their followers on Pinterest, but inviting them to pin to your brand’s group board will get them more engaged and involved in your online conversation. To make your own Group Board: Click the first tab with the plus-sign symbol on it- this creates a new board. Add keywords to the group’s name for better visibility in the search results. Add a brief description about the group board and its goals. Also include the rules for users that seek membership in your group within your description. Add the usernames or email IDs of any users interested in contributing to your board. Recommended Reading: How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization 7. Use Pinterest Analytics to Find What Your Audience Wants Want to know how your content is performing? Use Pinterest’s built-in analytics  to check what boards have the most impressions, clicks, and repins. In oder to build engagement with your followers, you need to have a basic understanding of what's working and what's not. This video from Pinterest will show you how to get started with Pinterest Analytics: Get the most out of your Pins by understanding analytic data. Maybe you'll find out that you're posting at the wrong times or not posting enough. Pinterest has it's own analytics system to ensure you're doing all the right things. Be sure to check out your reach in Pinterest Analytics, this metric matters most for engagement. It will be purple in color: You can locate your brand's Pinterest analytics in the top left corner of the Pinterest homepage. Recommended Reading: How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content 8. Schedule Pins at the Best Possible Times If you want to max out your engagement scale, then you need to make sure your audience can see your content. After doing some research on the best times to post on Pinterest, these are the results: Saturdays are your best bet for reaching Pinterest users- and later at night. Saturdays at 8–11 p.m. Fridays at 3 p.m. General awesome times to Pin to  Pinterest: 8–11 p.m. with 9 p.m. peak 2–4 a.m. and 2–4 p.m. 1–3 p.m.Are you scheduling #Pinterest pins at the best times?You can use Pinterest analytics to analyze the days of the week when you typically get the best results. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media 9. Use Rich Pins to Include More  Detailed Information First of all, what the heck is a Rich Pin? Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: App Movie Recipe Article Product Place This pin from Whole Foods  (shared in another post by Social Media Examiner) is an example of a Recipe Rich Pin: And here is an example of a Movie Rich Pin: Rich Pins require more work than the other Pinterest strategies above because you’ll need to add meta tags to  your website and then apply to have Rich Pins  enabled,  but these Pins stand out and make the whole user experience better. If necessary, talk to a developer to help implement the right meta data. Use rich pins to make your #Pinterest content stand out.10. Create Pinterest Promoted Ads The quickest way to boost your Pinterest engagement rate is to create an ad. You can decide how long you want the ad to run for, how much you want to spend, and who you want to target. You are in complete control. To create a Pinterest ad: Pick a Pin. Promote your best Pins so they appear in the most relevant places. Decide who sees it. Set up targeting so the right people see your Promoted Pin. Pay for results. Choose to pay for engagement or visits to your site. Track what's working. Pinterest ads will show up with the words "Promoted Pin" in the bottom left corner. Be sure to use a stunning image to catch your reader's eye as they scroll through their Pinterest feed and keywords for maximum reach. Promote pins to reach more people and drive higher engagement.11. Include a Call-to-Action Adding a call-to-action is a quick way to get your readers to engage with your content. According to Quicksprout,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"there is an 80% increase in engagement for pins that contain a call to action.† Try adding relevant descriptions that ask for clicks, repins, or comments. Include a call-to-action either in the image or in the description. Some simple call-to-actions include: Share this post Pin it for later Click here for your free download Register today RSVP here Sign up here Don't be shy to create call-to-action images to your Pinterest profile. You can't argue with an 80% increase in engagement! Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples 12. Install the Pin It Button Want to drive engagement from your website or blogs to Pinterest? Then you need the Pin It button! This Pin It button is  a button that allows users to pin an image in a few clicks, making the process faster and easier.  The BEST part about the Pin It button is that once you install it, your work is done! Your website visitors and readers can Pin your content for you, and their followers will see the activity on Pinterest. 62% of brands have Pin It buttons, including us! All of our blogs include the Pinterest Pin It button: Learn how to install  your Pin It button here. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing 13. Write Killer Social Messages Let your readers know what you're sharing. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the most, according to Social Marketing Writing. You should write a brief social message to describe the image or the blog post the image will lead to. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the mostYour social message is a good indicator of what readers can expect when they click on your Pin. Try asking a question, sharing a quick tip, or providing a benefit. Here are some ways you can write better Pinterest descriptions: Create  a keyword-rich description. Share helpful details. Don't include hashtags. Keep it short -  only about 75-100 characters of your description will appear in grid view. Recommended Reading: This Is How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts 14. Create  Tutorials and Guides to Show Your Audience How to Get Something Done Remember that part about creating long images for Pinterest? You can use this to your advantage by creating a visual step-by-step guide for your users. Tutorials and guides have 42% higher click through rates than other Pins. To create a step-by-step guide: Plan out each step. Write your image copy. Assemble images together that match your image copy. Include steps, copy, and images into one Pin. Show your users exactly how to do something on Pinterest by using images and text. You can even upload a video to Pinterest for a quick demonstration. ProBlogger  shared these tips to uploading a  video from your YouTube account: Make sure you have an active YouTube channel. Make sure your videos are branded (have a similar theme so users can easily recognize). Create a Pinterest board specifically for your YouTube channel. Grab your YouTube embedded link. Upload a new Pin. Select the appropriate board. Add a description. You can locate the embedded code by  Share  button on a YouTube video, then selecting the  Embed option. You can also Pin directly from YouTube by clicking on the Pinterest icon under the  Share option: Recommended Reading: 5 Teaching Theories That Will Improve Your Educational Content Marketing 15. Pin Often (And Pin Consistently) Want to increase your Pinterest engagement by 150%? Then you need to post Pins often, roughly 10 times a day. Decide what Pins you want scheduled and let do the work for you. We'll even use our Best Time Scheduling feature to make sure your Pins go out at the peak times. You'll never have to worry about Pins not posting or  your audience seeing 10 pins in a row with . Studies have shown that users who pin 15 to 30 times a day get the best results. These should be spread throughout the day. Schedule your Pins to go out approximately every hour. Recommended Reading: This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% What Are Some of Your Favorite Pinterest Engagement Tactics? Pinterest is a great social media platform for marketing use and a huge potential source for traffic. Take advantage of  these tactics the next time you log into Pinterest. Get ready to create some awesome Pins for your users and get that engagement rate up! P.S Have you heard!? has Pinterest integration. Save time and get organized today for FREE:  http://.com/signup

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why did Thomas Paine Entitle his Pamphlet essays

Why did Thomas Paine Entitle his Pamphlet essays When Thomas Paine, a Quaker from England, arrived at Philadelphia in 1774, he brought with him the spirit of English radicalism which would later help to shape the future of an emerging nation. As colonists struggled both physically to defend their rights and their land from England, they were also engaged in a moral battle. Whereas some colonists favored reconciliation with their mother country, there was a growing number who favored a break from the monarchy. By 1776, Thomas Paine felt that the time was right for him to provide a voice for the increasing number of discontented colonists. His anonymous pamphlet, Common Sense proved to be unbelievably successful in turning the tide of public opinion amongst the colonists towards an immediate break from England and towards independence. Although the pamphlet contained strong and highly reasoned arguments, much of its success in promoting independence rather than reconciliation was rooted in Paines rhetorical strategy. The way in which the pamphlet is set up forces readers to make a clear choice between liberty (independence) or tyranny (reconciliation). By entitling his work Common Sense, Thomas Paine reinforces support for his argument for independence by implying that any dissenters lack common sense. Common Sense is composed in such a way that it enables the average colonist to gain a deeper understanding of the events unfolding before him. Divided into four basic parts that move from the general and the theoretical to the specific, Paine consistently writes in a format that presents an argument for reconciliation and immediately following strongly refutes that argument with sound reasoning for the contrary path, total and immediate independence from England. For example, on page 83 Paine addresses the issue of the colonies having thrived under England: I have heard it asserted by some, that America hath flourished under her f ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Engineering design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Engineering design - Assignment Example Additionally, the implication takes note of the risk level that is associated with the established significant parameters (Budd, 2006). From the questionnaire generated, the customer requirement for key ring torch includes a metal shell body having different colors, 58 by 20 MM size, LED light for lighting, nice color, and 4pc button cells that are included on the key ring. I used the questionnaire over the other methodologies because the responses are collected in a standardized manner; therefore, this method is more objective, certainly more than the Focus Group Discussion and Interviews. Generally, the method is relatively faster in collecting information than the interviews and the FDG. However, in some cases the method took a longer time to develop, apply and to analyze. Additionally, the information can be easily collected from a larger group portion. The potential is not always realized because the questionnaire returns are usually very low. However, the rates of return can be improved ones the questionnaire is responded and delivered on time. The questions in the questionnaire are outlined in the appendices (Cather, 2001). . Design Parameters Some of the design parameters for the keyring torch include type of material body color of the keyring torch Led lights Switch battery size packing mechanism flash mode Charge lead time. Using a Focus Group Discussion, the major design parameters include the material used, the body color, and the charge lead time on that order. Some of the key features of Key ring torch include the unbreakable LED light, a lithium batters having a shelf life of one year, burn time of over ten hours, the lay on the chain of the key, and small and lightweight. Some of the application of the key ring include the lighting for driver, emergency for office and home, chart reading for the pilots and astronomers, and outdoor tasks like hunting, camping, and fishing. The key ring torches are bright idea for promoting a company. The customer key ring can be customized with a company’s logo or even the message. From the Focus Group Discussion it was evident that the clients preferred aluminum alloy material, blue, pink, red, and silver body color. The brightness for the LED light is 13000mcd, a button switch, a battery of 3*LR44, a size of 58*20MM, key ring flash mode, and the charging leading time of five to seven days. The clients required the packing to be in an inner box of 500 pieces, with cumulative weight of 12.5 Kg. FDG conducted is outlined in the appendices Design Specification Name Parameter Specification Features Body color Blue, Pink, Silver, Green, and red painting Material Aluminum alloy Switch Button LED Lights Brightness of 13000mcd Size 58 by 20 MM Battery 3*LR44 Packing 1 piece/OPP, 100pcs/CTN, NW 12.g Kg Charge Lead time 5-7 days Flash mode Key ting Details of Packing Packing Inner Packing Outer Packing Meas G/N.w 1 pcs/ bag 100 pieces /inner box 500 pieces per Carton 32*23*24cm 13.5/ 12.5 Kg Design Specification and the customer requirement The design is based on the outlined specification. The reliability requirement of the key ring torch was part of the technical specification document. The company set the requirement for the key ring torch. The reliability of the product is not easy to specify. It is very easy to use the qualitative language like the needs of the product needs to exceed the expectation of the client. The key ring torc

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mrs Fields Cookies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Mrs Fields Cookies - Case Study Example Debbi and Randy while acquiring control of LPB thought that there were many similarities found in the two chains—Mrs Fields Cookies and LPB. According to Randy LPB was, â€Å"a logical extension for the bakery aspect of Mrs. Fields' Cookies† (Cash and Ostrofsky 9). Debbi and Randy saw the affiliation of LPB with Mrs Fields Cookies as a step taken for business expansion as the two chains suited each other. They were interested in combining the two forms of stores. Both of the store chains dealt with bakery items due to which, their combination business was not a destructive step. The senior managers working at Mrs Fields Cookies were given a chance to run the stores of LPB for understanding the working systems of the new chain (Cash and Ostrofsky 10). According to Debbi and Randy, LPB business was similar to their own as they have matching products, same customers, similar managerial issues and challenges and so on. By noticing the two chains, it is quite straightforward to consider that the two have a sameness in many terms, their working procedures, their products, and their consumers are very much alike. The chains are divided into a network of stores operative at various places. This feature also makes them alike in terms of their functional procedures and way of processing. According to my consideration, this affiliation is a prospective one for Mrs Fields cookies and the step of opening combination stores is going to be a successful one. The MIS (Managerial Information System) developed and employed at Mrs Fields Cookies is quite a useful information system as it keeps the capability of connecting all the outlets and stores of Mrs Fields Cookies. Paul Quinn is the director of MIS running at Mrs Fields Cookies (Cash and Ostrofsky 7). Paul Quinn had to report directly to Randy for every kind of information related to stores and outlets. The MIS is very supportive as it enables the managers to have easier options for decision making and informat ion gathering. According to Randy, if machines can do the jobs of people, more people should not be employed as smaller groups play smart.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Animals Unusual Behaviors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Animals Unusual Behaviors - Essay Example The phenomenon is also common in both wildlife animals as well as household pets like cats and dogs. However, it is often considered that animals belonging to wildlife have a greater instinct that that of household pets. Apart from animals, in the form of mammals or reptiles, some common insects, ants in particular, also show some unusual behavior at the time of volcanic eruptions. We can infer to a certain degree that is superior instinct is present in animals due to closer connection with mother nature that they have as compared to human beings, who have grown more towards exploiting nature for the purpose of developing civilizations and urbanizations. Some example of animals is given below to elaborate the exact behavior they show according to their kind and habitation. Cats are a common form of pets that most people would love to have. It can also be said about cats that they have a better responsive instinct towards their environment and are often attentive to abnormalities within their environment of existence. As a result, a common behavior among cats of different kinds, regions and breeds is observed as they start jumping, hiding, running, trying to escape outside when they feel any danger of natural disaster. Pacing, hissing, or growling are also their unusual behaviors that can be seen particularly at the time of any volcanic activity. Cats may try to hide and look for a safe place such as refrigerators, cupboards, beds, sofas, shelves, etc. Dogs It can be rightly said that dog is man's best friend. This is because of the high degree of responsiveness they show towards human action and behavior. Man has often relied on dogs as a trustworthy pet, especially in case of emergency or calamity. Generally, dogs are considered the most devoted animal to owners. Dogs have an elevated sense and are always ready protect their owners. Before any natural disaster or any volcano eruption, they also start behaving unusually. Generally, dogs do not hide like cats but start acting in the unusual manners: Howling Barking Aggression Whining Increased devotion to owners Continuous movement around the doors or windows Sticking or following you like glue Before any volcanic eruption, some dogs may become more protective or aggressive while others will be fearful or act dejected. Pay attention to their personalities and individual needs and you will be able to avoid trouble. Drastic differences in the number of advertised lost dogs and the animal shelter loads can precede quake activity in a specific area. Large increases in these numbers could give you a clue to up coming earth activity. 1 Horses and Livestock Those animals that have hooves also start acting in an unusual way before any volcanic eruption. They are grouped together in open areas and behave in a nervous pattern or pace. In addition, these animals often refuse to enter their burns and pens, and refuse to tie. Other Animals Other animals also act like disturbed animals by showing various types of unusual behaviors. Birds are a common example. A number of breeds of birds often show intelligent behaviors in the form of nesting and migration. A change of season can also be related to their migrating behavior. This means that they are far more conscious about the changing atmosphere. If we analyze the common type of volcano, we can see that there are volcanoes which do not erupt immediately rather

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Comparison Between BCS And ACM

Comparison Between BCS And ACM This report intends to summarize British computer society Code of Conduct and comparing it with different codes of conduct that has a significant in fact in IT profession. However Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is important in IT profession because it dedicates in advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity (, 2010). And Association for computing machinery (ACM) is also important because it is able to advance computing as a science and a profession (, 2010). Moreover, all the codes of conduct mentioned are found relevant to the case study which will be discussed in detail in the report. The report is going to describe how the professional codes of conduct comply and how it does not comply with the case study below. Furthermore, the report breaks down the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis which talks about the strength and weakness of the case study in detail. The report covers all the important of code of conduct in the case study and the factors that influence the strategic as well as the day-to-day operation of the case study. Finally the reports reflective analysis explored how all the aspects of the research are conducted. Code of conduct The code of conduct simply defines as a set of regulatory rules of professional conduct which has been adopted by the Board (Merritt, R. 2008). Impact of code of conducts Codes of Conduct have a significant impact within the IT profession. They maintain the level of professionalism and ensure that IT professionals, their employers and the public at large have a clear idea of the expected standards of the profession. For example, it is unlikely that an employer could sack an IT Professional for failing to carry out work which the employee could demonstrate was unethical in terms of a code of conduct. If an employee was sacked under these circumstances, he/she would be able to demonstrate to an Industrial Tribunal that they had adhered to the Code of Conduct while the employer had failed to do so. (, 2010). British computer society(BCS):- Describes the professional standards of practice relating to the contemporary multifaceted demands found in information technology (IT).It applies to members of all grades, including students and affiliates, and also non-members who offer their expertise as part of the BCS Professional Advice Register.(,2010). The Codes governs the personal conduct of individual members of the BCS, who are requested to notify the Society of any significant violation by another member. Any breach of the Code brought to the attention of the Society is considered under the BCS Disciplinary procedures.(,2010) The following are main areas that BCS covered Duty to the Profession:- All Members of the BCS code of conduct should be able to have a wider responsibility to promote public understanding of IT its benefits and drawbacks, encourage and support fellow members in their professional development and, where possible, provide opportunities for the professional development of new members, particularly student members and uphold the reputation and good standing of the BCS in particular.(,2010) Duty to Relevant Authority:- As a Member of the BCS code of conduct you should be able to avoid any situation that may give rise to a conflict of interest between you and your relevant authority.(,2010) Professional Competence and Integrity:- As a Member of the BCS code of conduct you shall seek to upgrade your professional knowledge and skill, and shall also maintain awareness of technological developments, procedures and standards which are relevant to your field and encourage your subordinates to do the same.(,2010) The Public Interest:- In your professional role you shall have regard for the public health, safety and environment, you shall have regard to the legitimate rights of third parties and conduct your professional activities without discrimination against clients or colleagues.(,2010) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) code of conduct:-IEEE is one of the worlds largest professional associations dedicated to advance technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEEs highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. (, 2010). The following are examples of the IEEE code of conduct. (, 2010). To accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment. (,2010). To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations. (,2010). To treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin; To assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics. To reject bribery in all its forms; Association for computing machinery ( ACM) is also one of the worlds largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing fields premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources. (, 2010) The following are examples of what the ACM code of conduct covers.(,2010) Strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness and dignity in both the process and products of professional work. Excellence is perhaps the most important obligation of a professional. The computing professional must strive to achieve quality and to be conscious of the serious negative consequences that may result from poor quality in a system.(,2010) Acquire and maintain professional competence. Excellence depends on individuals who take responsibility for acquiring and maintaining professional competence. A professional must participate in setting standards for appropriate levels of competence, and strive to achieve those standards.(,2010) Know and respect existing laws pertaining to professional work. ACM members must obey existing local, state, province, national, and international laws unless there is a compelling ethical basis not to do so. Policies and procedures of the organizations in which one participates must also be obeyed. .(,2010) Accept and provide appropriate professional review, quality professional work, especially in the computing profession, depends on professional reviewing and critiquing. Whenever appropriate, individual members should seek and utilize peer review as well as provide critical review of the work of others. .(,2010) Comparison between BCS and ACM. Both the BCS and ACM are design to guide ethical decision making (7th pacific Asia Conference, 2003) They provide little assistance in the identification and resolution of ethical dilemma as they both tends to be national in scope by increasing the complexity of international decision making for IS practitioners. They both have to take responsibility for maintaining professional competence. They both maintain the level of professionalism and ensure that IT professionals, their employers and the public at large have a clear idea of the expected standards of the profession. Both the BCS and ACM are responsible for the ethical regulation of computer professionals. Comparison between BCS and IEEE They both improve the understanding of technology. They both maintain and improve their technological competence. They both assist their colleagues and co-workers in their professional. They are both committed to improving the competitiveness between companies Case study Wirral is one of the Britains leading component manufacturers. It has over 500 branches around the world with more than 1500 staff and many business activities. All the business activities are well supported by IT systems. More over the company was earlier a family business in Ellesmere Port Cheshire in 1960s.It started as a radio and television repair business. And eventually, the company was able to set up its own manufacturing operations and began to expand into other areas that include supplying of components and assemblies for mainframe and mini computers. The company is able to submit a successful bid for government contracts for the supply of radar equipment and weapons guidance systems in 1980s. And recently submitted a bid to supply hardware component for the proposed national identity card system. Meanwhile the company now grew to accommodate its growing market with euro trailers and European motor ways. The following are companys business activities. -Manufacture and assembly of components -Engineering drawing production maintenance -Sales Order Processing (SOP) incorporating barcode product identification -Purchase Order Processing (POP) -Warehousing Goods inward/outward -Accounts/invoicing -Marketing -Quality control -Personnel payroll Applications of code of conducts The company most keep their customers data safe by referring to BCS code of conduct that states that company should have regards to the public health, safely and environment All members of the company should seek to upgrade their skill, and shall maintain awareness of technological developments, procedures and standards. According to BCS. All members of the company should assist their colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following IEEE codes of ethics. Referring to IEEE, all the members should treat fairly all people regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin. The company individuals should take responsibilities for acquiring and maintaining professional competence. According to ACM. As the companys business activities are supported with IT system, Fell et al. (2007, p.62) Computer Misuse act 1990 should be use in order to protect unauthorized access and data modification. Data Protection is also applicable to the case study because it will enhance privacy protection of the data that is outsourced to third party.(Hepple et al.2000, p.1011). Compliance and Noncompliance. Compliance If the company compliance with the above code of conducts, It will be able to maintain its level of professionalism and ensure IT standard in the company. If the company compliance with the above code of conducts, It will help the top level management in making good decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the staff of the company. If the company compliance with the above code of conducts, the company will be able to maintain and improve their technical competence. If the company compliance with the above code of conducts, It will be able to reject bribery in all its forms. If the company compliance with the above code of conducts, All the members of the company will be able to obey the existing and and new laws of the company if there is any. Noncompliance If the company did not comply with the above code of conducts it can cause bribery within the company or might let someone out of the company to access their customer information which can lead the company to lose their customers due to lack of good principles and rules to follow. It can also cause the company to lose their customers when the customers realise there is no good code of conduct that will protect their interest. Members of the company may lack professional development if the company did not comply with the code of conduct because the code of conduct will assist all the members of the company. The members of the company can disorganise by not complying with the above code of conduct that states, to treat fairly all members regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, age or national origin. Exploration of the legal, ethical and social factors of Wirral Company. Below is a table that shows an SWOT analysis of WCM, PRIMO-F SWOT analysis is basically a tool that is used to measure the street and weakness of an organisation. The following is (PRIMO-F) analysis and Strengths and weakness that will help the Wirral Company to achieve its objectives. Strengths Weaknesses People The company has a good number of staffs as it has more than 1500 staffs. People The staffs have limited skills as they cant provide enough information about the company. Resources The company has resources as it can have more than 500 branches. Resources Often all the resources they have third party operating on their department. Innovation Ideas The company grew to accommodate its growing market. Innovation Ideas The company has low creativity and Initiatives Marketing WCM has very good relations with its external agents who work on commission. Marketing The company need to enhance its marketing strategy. Operations WCM company is using an in house software in its day-to-day activities to achieve its objectives. Operations WCM need to review its objectives Finance WCM has Personnel/Payroll and Accounting/Invoicing. Finance WCM need to be monitoring account department as its operated by third party. Opportunities Threats Technology development and Innovation? Global influences? New markets, vertical, horizontal? Niche target markets? Geographical, export, import? New USPs? Tactics: eg, surprise, major Contracts? Business and product development? Political effects? Legislative effects? Environmental effects? IT developments? Competitor intentions various? Market demand? New technologies, services, ideas? Vital contracts and partners? Sustaining internal capabilities? 12. EPISTLE ANALYSIS (, 2010) Economic Taxes specific to product and services Production level Interest rates Currency values Energy costs Political Government policies Politic culture Legislation Global political events Alliances Information Empowering people by technology Transference of technology Business Information secrecy. Social Demographics Major events and influences Life style changes Social attitudes Corporate social image Purchasing habits Technological Computing technology. development. New technologies. Access to technology. Develop new product Facilities competitive advantage Legal Competitive regulations. Consumer protection. Laws apply to the computing profession. Environment Environmental regulations. Global factors. Global warming Natural disaster. People Skills, motivations, ideas and communication REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS In conducting my research work I have done a lot of research in finding resources that are relevant to the case study although the case study does not have enough information, the wide research I had made has helped me to understand the basic and important of code of conduct not only to the case study but to business in general. I use several examples of case studies that are related to the case study and so many resources. The resources I used are internet, e-books, library books and lectures slides that are up to date, reliable, supportive, creative and accurate (CARS). Although is not all the resources that I read that I find useful to the case study but I still use them in my bibliography list. I conducted lots of research before I found resources that are relevant to my EPISTLE analysis. Therefore I made full use of resources available to me whilst writing my report which will be found in my references list. If I were to improve my report, I will do more practical research by arranging a work experience placement in such a way that it will benefit me with good working experience. Moreover, so far with this research work I believe I will be able to suggest a good SWOT and EPISTLE analysis to a company. Finally I will strongly recommend the Wirral Wirral Component Manufacturers Ltd (WCM) should comply with code of conducts because it will maintain its level of professionalism and ensure IT standard in the company, It will help the top level management in making good decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the staff of the company and also let the members of the company to respect the companys rules and regulations. REFERENCES ACM [on line access 22nd Aug 2010] Available at Bain, D.(2004) Introduction to computer law.5th ed.United kingdom. BCS [on line access 30th Aug 2010] Available at Fell, J et al.(2007) IT Law: An ISEB foundation.United Kingdom Hepple, A et al.(2000) Tort: Case and Materials.5th ed.London England. Impact of code of conducts [on line access 7th Sept 2010] Available at IEEE [on line access 2nd Sep 2010] Available at Merritt, R.(2008) Code of Conduct. New york. Swot-analysis [on line access 12nd sept 2010] Available at Swot-analysis [on line access 7nd sept 2010] Available at

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Air Pressure :: essays research papers

Air Pressure Air is composed of molecules. Air is matter. It has mass and takes up space. Air is composed of different gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases. Air molecules are in constant motion. As they move, they come in contact with surfaces. Air molecules push and press on the surfaces they contact. The amount of force per unit area that air molecules exert on a surface is called air pressure. (What is Air Pressure 6) Air pressure is caused by all of the air molecules in the Earth's atmosphere pressing down on the Earth's surfaces. We can measure air pressure to help us predict weather conditions around the world. Temperature also affects air pressure because air contracts when it cools and expands when it is heated. So if air above a region of Earth cools, it does not extend to as high an altitude as the surrounding air. In this case, its pressure at higher temperature is lower than in the surroundings even when the pressure at the surface is the same a s in surrounding areas. Then air flows into the cooler region at high altitude, making the total weight of air above the region greater than in the surroundings. This is a "high". The cool air descends to the earth's surface. Near the surface, the falling air spreads out, spiraling clockwise in the northern hemisphere. The opposite happens where air is warmed by the sun or by the Earth's surface temperature. The resulting rising air is above a "low." Near the surface, air flows into the "low" to replace the rising air, spiraling counter-clockwise (Atmosphere 26). Highs and lows react to each other causing a variety of conditions. Driving up or down a mountain leads to a reduction or increase of air pressure in the outer part of the ear, creating a pressure difference across the eardrum, which separates the outer ear from the middle ear. The difference distorts the eardrum, so that sounds are muffled (What is Air Pressure 9). However, this can be taken care of by swallowing air and opening the Eustachian tube between the middle ear and the nasal cavity, which in turn is joined to the mouth.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pizza Hut strategic plan Essay

Executive Summary This proposal describes Pizza Hut and the introduction of a new product called â€Å"The Extreme.† A brief history of Pizza Hut is provided at the beginning of this proposal along with an analysis of the fast food industry. Current trends in demographics and eating habits are included. A SWOT analysis has been done to identify Pizza Hut’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats so that these factors can be taken into consideration in deciding whether or not to launch the new â€Å"Extreme Pizza.† Some of the key elements of our marketing plan first describe the â€Å"Extreme Pizza.† It will be the largest pizza on the market, with double the cheese and double the toppings. We will target the X and Y Generations, which is the fastest growing segment in America. This segment has been successfully targeted before using the â€Å"extreme† angle. This segment is has been a segment that hasn’t been targeted to the level that they should in this industry and we plan on changing that. We have used past financial data to establish reasonable goals for the product and have set limits on promotional spending. We will be using a high/low pricing strategy, pricing this new pizza at $9.99. Our main sales promotions will be offering the Extreme Pizza bundled with Mountain Dew to target Generation X and Generation Y. We will be using direct channel distribution as well. This pizza will be available through dine-in, carry-out, delivery, and ordering on the Internet. 1)Introduction Pizza Hut was started in 1958, by two brothers in Wichita, Kansas. Frank and Dan Carney had the idea to open a pizza parlor. They borrowed $600 from their mother, and opened the very first Pizza Hut. In 1959, the first franchise unit opened in Topeka, Kansas. Almost ten years later, Pizza Hut would be serving one million customers a week in their 310 locations. In 1970, Pizza Hut was put on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol PIZ. In 1986, Pizza Hut introduced delivery service, something no other restaurant was doing. By the 1990’s Pizza Hut sales had reached $4 billion worldwide. In 1998, Pizza Hut celebrated their 40th anniversary, and launched their famous campaign â€Å"The Best Pizzas Under One Roof.† In 1996, Pizza Hut sales in the United States were over $5 million. Out of all the existing pizza chains, Pizza Hut had the largest market share, 46.4%. However, Pizza Hut’s market share has slowly eroded because of intense competition from their rivals Domino’s, Little Caesar’s and newcomer Papa John’s. Home delivery was a driving force for success, especially for Pizza Hut and Domino’s. However, this forced competitors to look for new methods of increasing their customer bases. Many pizza chains decided to diversify and offer new non-pizza items such as buffalo wings, and Italian cheese bread. The current trend in pizza chains today is the same. They all try to come up with some newer, bigger, better, pizza for a low price. Offering special promotions, and new pizza variations are popular today as well. For example, chicken is now a common topping found on pizzas. In the past, Pizza Hut has always had the first mover advantage. Their marketing strategy in the past has always been to be first. One of their main strategies, that they still follow today is the diversification of the products they offer. Pizza Hut is always adding something new to their menu, trying to reach new markets. For example, in 1992 the famous buffet was launched in Pizza Hut restaurants worldwide. They were trying to offer many different food items for customers who didn’t necessarily want pizza. Another strategy they used in the past and are still using is the diversification of their pizzas. Pizza Hut is always trying to come up with some innovative way to make a pizza into something slightly different – different enough that customers will think its a whole new product. For example, let’s look at some of the pizzas Pizza Hut has marketed in the past. In 1983, Pizza Hut introduced their Pan Pizza, which had a guarantee of being ready to eat in 5 minutes when dining at Pizza Hut restaurants. In 1993, they introduced the â€Å"BigFoot,† which was two square feet of into 21 slices. In 1995, they introduced â€Å"Stuffed Crust Pizza,† where the crust would be filled with cheese. In 1997, they marketed â€Å"The Edge,† which had cheese and toppings all the way to the edge of the pizza. Currently, they are marketing â€Å"The Big NewYorker,† trying to bring the famous New York style pizza to the whole country. Lastly, Pizza Hut has always valued customer service and satisfaction. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs: a 1-800 number customer hotline, and a customer call-back program. These were implemented to make sure their customers were happy, and always wanted to return. In our plan, we will first give a situation analysis of current and relevant environmental conditions that affect our plan. Next, we will give a brief analysis of the current fast food industry, and any trends or changes that might occur in the future. Also, a SWOT analysis of Pizza Hut will be included. Identification of current and potential competitors will be discussed in the SWOT analysis as well. Next, we will list our marketing objectives for this plan and our rationale for the selection of these objectives. 2) Situational Analysis A number of demographic and societal trends in the United States contributed to increased demand for food prepared outside the home. The divorce rate is almost 50%, and there is a growing trend showing that people are choosing to get married later in life. Because of these factors and many others, the single-person household represented about 25% of all U.S. households in 1998, up from 16% in the 1970’s. There has also been a trend in the 1990’s showing that individuals are choosing to eat out more often than eat at home. Another factor to consider is the increased number of women working outside the home. In 1998, 59% of all married women had careers. As a result of more women in the workforce, household incomes are now combined and are much higher than previously. According to Restaurants and Institutions magazine, more than one-third of all households had incomes of over $50,000 in 1996. The combination of higher incomes and dual-career families result  in less time! in the home, therefore less time to cook food at home. Also due to higher incomes, consumers have more disposable income, allowing them to eat out more often. However, in the early 1990’s, the growth of traditional fast food restaurants slowed down because the U.S. market had become saturated. The slowdown in growth intensified competition for market share and lead to consolidation. Many chains found that their market share could be increased by buying an existing company rather than building new units. Mergers and acquisitions had a powerful effect on the fast food industry. The top ten fast food restaurant chains controlled over 60% of fast food sales in the U.S. 3)Industry Analysis’ According to the National Restaurant Association, food service sales were $320 billion for the 500,000 restaurants in the U.S. in 1997. The U.S. restaurant industry grew 5.2 percent in 1997. Six major segments make up the fast food segment of the food service industry. Sandwich chains, like McDonald’s and Wendy’s are the number one segment, followed by dinner houses, such as Applebee’s and Red Lobster. Pizza chains are ranked third. Out of all the pizza chains, Pizza Hut has the largest market share, 46%, followed by Domino’s with 21.7%. International sales have become more and more important to the fast food industry. In 1998, Pizza Hut was the number one global chain with units in 88 different countries. In 1990, Pizza Hut opened two restaurants in Moscow where 20,000 customers were served a week, about the amount serviced by 10 American Pizza Huts. As profitable as the fast food industry is, there has always been one problem that many fast food companies cannot seem to overcome. Because of America’s large aging population, greater awareness and interest in health issues have resulted. Nutritional value of fast food is a huge problem. For many people, fast food automatically means low nutritional value. As a result of this, many chains have introduced items that are â€Å"low calorie† and â€Å"low fat.† Despite their efforts, many critics and consumers feel that their efforts were not satisfactory in providing a healthy meal. 4)SWOT Analysis Pizza Hut has many different strengths. Name recognition is an obvious strength for Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut has been around for a long time, and consumers know the name well. Another big strength and even a competitive advantage is the fact that they have a full service restaurant as well as delivery services. Most of Pizza Hut’s competitors do not have restaurants. Because of the restaurant, Pizza Hut can market to many different segments that other pizza chains cannot. For example, Pizza Hut can market to families much easier than Domino’s or Little Caesar’s. Pizza Hut offers a sit-down, conversational type restaurant where families can take their children for birthday parties for example. Pizza Hut’s broad selection of products also makes it easier for them to market to different market segments. However, the fact that Pizza Hut does have a restaurant to run is also a weakness. Pizza Hut has higher overhead costs, due to the restaurant that other competitors don’t have to deal with. Another result of higher overhead costs is higher prices Pizza Hut must charge. Obviously, Pizza Hut is not the low cost producer. They rely on their quality pizza and good service to account for their higher prices. An indirect weakness that Pizza Hut has is that they have lost a lot of their customers and market share due to such intense competition with competitors. Pizza Hut’s opportunities are almost endless. They can increase revenue with their new innovative pizzas, and increase brand loyalty with good customer service. Another opportunity that Pizza Hut has is their new ordering online system. Anyone with Internet access can order whatever they wish and get it delivered to their house without even speaking to someone. This program has just been started, so we do not have any numbers to support whether or not it will be a success. Pizza Hut’s number one threats are from their competitors. Currently, their closest competitor is Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s main competitive advantage  over Pizza Hut is their price. It is generally lower than Pizza Hut. Also, Domino’s was very profitable when they ran the promotional deal of delivering a pizza within 30 minutes. However, many lawsuits have been filed against Domino’s in the past for reckless driving by their drivers, so Domino’s withdrew the promotion. Little Caesar’s is another one of Pizza Hut’s competitors, right behind Domino’s in market share. Little Caesar’s is famous for offering large quantities of pizza for less money. Other competitors include Papa John’s, Sbarro, and Pizza Inn. A problem facing all of the pizza chains is that each of their individual competitive advantages are pretty much everyone’s competitive advantages. Most if not all the top pizza chains offer free delivery, and always have some sort of promotional deal offering large ! pizzas at reduced prices. Other competitors to take into consideration are frozen pizzas and make-it-yourself pizzas that are purchased in grocery stores. Some examples of these are Tombstone Pizzas, Boboli, and Di’Gornio pizzas. 5)Marketing Objectives Being that Pizza Hut holds the most market share in the pizza industry, the perceived quality and service of the company will help to ensure a better than average chance at a successful introduction of a new product. The pizza industry firms are famous for introducing new products to spark short-term sales. Pizza Hut as stated earlier has been very successful at accomplishing this. The introduction of a product that keeps with today’s trends is also important to reduce the risk of failure. In recent years there has been an increase in the marketing of products with an extreme twist to them. Mountain Dew, which is a brand name owned by Pizza Huts parent company, Pepsico, has been very successful at repositioning itself to this segment of the market, which has sparked new interest in the soft drink. Many other imitators have followed in there footsteps and have been successful as well. Pizza Hut has the resources available to research and implement a new product with great succe ss. Pizza Hut is the leader in innovative products and this new product that we  are proposing will surely be a success, given Pizza Huts track record. With high competition from the other top firms in the industry, the introduction of a new product is necessary to keep one step ahead of the competition. We propose that Pizza Hut introduce the Extreme Pizza. This pizza will be larger than the competitors at twenty-inches and have twice the toppings that the competitors have. Pizza Hut will market this product along side other extreme products such as Mountain Dew, to help Pizza Hut capture part of this new segment of the market. The selection of pizza’s offered by the competition have been significantly less creative than that of Pizza Hut in the past and Pizza Huts reputation of offering high quality, new products will allow this new product to move into the market as other new offerings have in the past. With the introduction of a new product, one of our main objectives is to create recognition for our product. Our goal is to reach 85% recognition of the new product in our target market. As with all businesses, the most important goal of a company is to increase revenue and profits. With the introduction of this new product we hope to increase the overall sales of the company by 7%. If we can in fact reach our goal of 85% recognition of the product, through a successful promotions mix, then the increase in sales should be easily acquired. 6)Target Markets With the introduction of the Extreme Pizza from Pizza Hut, the name itself is an indication of the target market sought. In today’s world of adrenaline junkies and extreme sports, a products affiliation with the world of the extreme has grabbed the attention of the younger generations. These generations range from the age of 12 to 30. These generations are affectionately referred to as the Y and X generations. For many years marketers ignored this segment and simply stereotyped them as slackers or losers. However, this has not been the case in recent years. With extreme sports making an entrance into pop culture in the early 90’s, many companies have realized the potential for high returns by targeting this highly diverse segment of the market. In America today, there are 71 million Americans that fall between the ages of 12 and 30, making generations X and  Y the two fastest growing segments of society. The overall spending power of this segment is 300 billion dollars a year, with a large percentage of that money spent on non-essential items. The reason for the high amount of spending in this segment has been associated to the times that they have grown up in. Unlike the baby-boomers, there has been no times of risk or economic depression in their lives. This is a generation with a â€Å"spend now, pay later† attitude, which has made for high spending averages on a per person basis. In 1997, The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, found that the median amount of cash that children receive from their parents for auxiliary spending is $50 dollars a week. This kind of spending money that children are given is what Pizza Hut wants to target with the Extreme Pizza. However, children living at home are not the only o! nes to have extra money to burn. A study on the spending habits of college freshmen also indicates a high percentage of money being spent on non-essential items. The results showed that an average of $56 is spent monthly on eating out. This information on this segment of the market, gives Pizza Hut a window to offer a product that will attract these customers who not only have the money to spend on such things as pizza, but who have done so in the past. In the past Pizza Hut has not specifically targeted the younger generations with products. They have created a more generic marketing plan, to attract a wide variety of customers. In order for this marketing strategy to work, Pizza Hut needs to target this one segment of the market. The advertising and promotion needs to be very specific to their needs, in order for the money spent on advertising to be worthwhile. Many products have failed in this segment because they have tried to treat the segment as one group. This segment is made up of many groups and many individuals. This is part of the reason for society labeling generation X and Y members as loser’s and slackers. So with this in mind our advertising campaign must follow the same ideas by realizing that even within this segment there are many other segments. One characteristic of these two generations, that makes them a prime target for our new Extreme pizza, is the amount of time that these age groups spend with friends in groups. With the lack of responsibilities that teenagers have, and the lack of home cooked meals while away at college, pizza is a  quick alternative for dinner, and a fun way for friends to eat together. Pizza has long been targeted to families, because of the convenience that is present when serving pizza to a group. Teenagers and young adults spend quite a bit of time with friends in groups, whether it be in a dorm room or at parties. This gives Pizza Hut an outlet to sell a pizza that will fulfill the needs of this younger generation with a product that is designed just for them. With the total number of Generation X and Y members being so high and the money they spend on non-essential items being as much as it is, this segment could make this product a huge success. However, this is a hard market to target since everyone is so different, but they all have one thing in common, there love for pizza. The most important factor in making this a success will be to design advertising that is able to attract all of the individual segments of these generations. 7)Marketing Mix A)Product Pizza Hut should offer a new product called â€Å"The Extreme† pizza. â€Å"The Extreme† is a twenty-inch pizza with twice as much cheese and toppings as Pizza Hut’s other pizzas. This new pizza will have many different competitive advantages. The first competitive advantage of â€Å"The Extreme† is that it is the largest pizza on the market. No other pizza restaurant offers a twenty-inch pizza. The second competitive advantage is that it has more cheese and toppings than any other pizza on the market. Another competitive advantage is the Pizza Hut brand name. Pizza Hut has built a brand name that means quality products and services. Since Pizza Hut will be introducing â€Å"The Extreme,† customers will automatically think this is a high quality product. The final competitive advantage is that this product will be the first pizza to target America’s youth. â€Å"The Extreme† pizza will target Generation X and Generation Y or people between the ages of 12 and 30. This market purchases a lot of pizza each year, but very few pizza restaurants actually target them. â€Å"The Extreme† will be introduced on Super Bowl Sunday, 2001. During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, Pizza Hut will try to establish a market for the product and persuade early adopters to buy. During the growth stage, Pizza Hut will try to build sales and develop a preference for the product. Pizza Hut will try to seek  differentiation during the maturity stage. â€Å"The Extreme† is expected to begin to decline after one year on the market. B)Price In the past, Pizza Hut has successfully used the high/low pricing strategy when setting the retail price of its products. The high/low retail pricing strategy allows Pizza Hut to charge a price that is above the competition, but also promote frequent sales to lower the price below them. The retail price of â€Å"The Extreme† pizza should be set at $9.99, which is higher than Pizza Hut’s competitors. Several sales promotions and coupons will be used to lower the price below those competitors. Since both Pizza Hut and the beverage Mountain Dew are Pepsi subsidiaries, bundle pricing will be used. Customers can purchase â€Å"The Extreme† for $9.99 and receive a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew for free. Pizza Hut will be able to sell two products together at a single price to suggest a good value. The high/low pricing strategy has several advantages. First, this pricing strategy will help segment the market. Different groups of customers are willing to pay different prices for the same product. Pizza Hut can sell â€Å"The Extreme† to the customers who will pay the higher price to be the first to buy and also to the bargain hunters. The high/low pricing strategy will also create excitement. Customers will be able to try something new when they purchase â€Å"The Extreme† and this exciting experience may bring those customers back to purchase other products. Finally, this strategy will emphasize product and service quality. Pizza Hut sets a high initial price for its products to send a signal to customers that its products are quality and the service is excellent. C)Promotion The main theme that will be used to promote â€Å"The Extreme† is youth. Fun, excitement, danger, and even the term â€Å"extreme† all appeal to our target market. Mountain Dew, which has already successfully appealed to this target market, will be included in â€Å"The Extreme† promotions. The main promotion will be a coupon to purchase â€Å"The Extreme† for $9.99 and receive a free two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. The objectives of this promotion are to introduce a new product, stimulate demand, change the short-term behavior of the customers, and encourage repeat or greater usage by current customers. This promotion will be distributed mainly by mail, but also by  fliers on college campuses around the country in order to reach the target market. â€Å"The Extreme† will be introduced on Super Bowl Sunday, 2001, in a television commercial. Although Super Bowl television ads are expensive, Pizza Hut has enough financial resources for one. This commercial will be similar to the current Mountain Dew advertising campaign. Several young people will be performing exciting, high-risk activities such as snowboarding, rock climbing, and bungee jumping. The young people will then eat â€Å"The Extreme† and drink Mountain Dew. There will also be similar ads in magazines that are popular with the target market such as Surfer, Snowboarding, YM, and Maxim. This advertising campaign will create awareness of the new product in our target markets. D)Distribution The type of distribution channel used by Pizza Hut is the direct channel. The direct channel is successful when there is an extremely large market that is geographically dispersed. The direct channel is also useful when there are a large number of buyers, but a small amount purchased by each. Pizza Hut uses three different methods of selling its products directly to the market. The first method of distribution used by Pizza Hut is delivery. Customers can call Pizza Hut ahead of time, place an order, and the order is delivered to the customer’s home. Another method of distribution is for customers to dine-in. Customers can go to the nearest Pizza Hut, place an order, and either leave with the order or eat at the restaurant. One of Pizza Hut’s largest competitive advantages is its restaurant style facility. Pizza Hut offers a clean place to sit down and enjoy the variety of pizzas, salads, and sandwiches in a fun, family atmosphere. The third method of dist ribution is! online ordering. Customers can now go on the Internet and place an order. This method is useful because it allows customers to view the entire menu, download any special coupons, and order without having to disclose any credit card numbers. The market coverage for â€Å"The Extreme† will be nationwide. Customers all over the country will be able to order â€Å"The Extreme† by one of the three distribution methods. 8)Control Stage First, we will address who will be responsible for the control measures we plan to take. The Marketing Vice President in the Corporate Headquarters, the local/regional Marketing Vice Presidents and the Pizza Hut restaurant managers will all play a role in being responsible for the control. Our success or failure will be determined in a couple of ways. One main way is to compare results to our objectives. If our objectives are not met, steps to meet them will be taken in the future. We will also look at profits, sales revenue, unit volume of the â€Å"Extreme Pizza† promotions used. If our budget allows, perhaps we could give a survey to our customers and get some direct feedback about our new pizza. Ongoing research is essential for our success. Since our plan is for one year, we feel that every 3 months we should do some type of evaluation and control to see how we are doing. Also, during the maturity state of the product life cycle, we will improve the quality and distinguis h ourselves well from competitors. Hopefully, this process of control will be monitored on a monthly basis. 9)Summary and Conclusion Pizza Hut has a successful history of introducing new products to increase sales and reach new customers. This introduction of new products to the market on a regular basis is what makes Pizza Hut the leader in their industry. The level of success that the â€Å"Extreme Pizza† will bring Pizza Hut depends heavily on the correct promotions mix. As we had stated earlier, the segment of the market that we have targeted is a very diverse group. This means that the promotion of the product must be done in a diverse fashion. This will result in a more expensive advertising campaign than in past campaigns, but the potential for a successful product will cover the costs and bring in substantial profit. The advertising campaign is going to be budgeted to use 8% of projected sales. We are forecasting that the introduction of the Extreme Pizza will increase sales by 7%. This forecast is based upon other new products that Pizza Hut has introduced and the impact that they have had on Pizza Huts revenues. A 7% increase in sales for Pizza Hut will bring a total of $547 million dollars in revenue, making the advertising budget $43.76 million.  This kind of advertising budget will allow for a mass media blitz of promotions featuring our new â€Å"Extreme Pizza†. Our target market spends many hours a day in front of the TV and computer, so the constant messages being played will allow our product to generate a high level of awareness. The advertising of the product is very important but the promotion of this product along side Mountain Dew will help to put our product in a more specific category. Mountain Dew has targeted our target market for several years and is by far one of the leaders in this market. With this in mind promotions with Mountain Dew will be crucial to the success of the â€Å"Extreme Pizza†. With competition being so strong in this industry the threat of imitation products will surely be a problem to be dealt with. Pizza Hut will however have the first mover advantage with this product. With the entry of imitation products into the market, Pizza Hut will have to adjust its mixes to accommodate change. The promotions may have to be bigger and better than the competition, or the product may need to be altered to give it that little bit of an edge over the competition. For example stuffing the crust with cheese or giving a free topping with the purchase would help give Pizza Hut an edge over the competition. Basically, Pizza Hut will need to remain flexible in the maturity stages of the product life cycle in an attempt to continue to be the market leader. Overall, this is a product that is not much unlike any of the other new pizza’s that Pizza Hut has introduced. What makes this new product so exciting is the marketing plan that is directing the product at a new segment. We are taking a large pizza with a lot of toppings and marketing it as an â€Å"Extreme Pizza† to a generation of younger adults that are consumed by this marketing tool. This is what will make this a success. The mix of promotion and advertising we will be using will target a very profitable, sometimes overlooked market segment known as generations X and Y.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sociology Midterm Essays

Sociology Midterm Essays Sociology Midterm Essay Sociology Midterm Essay They are lack of emotional support and cultural guidelines for their actions. As well as lacking of commonalities, criminal behavior and political protests occurs because of no social integration, since they dont have social bonding with the society. In contrasts, I believe criminal behavior could be done in both degree of solidarity. Criminal behavior could occur from the category of low solidarity simply of sharing few beliefs, values and moral standards. On the other hand, criminal behavior could occur In a high solidarity situation as well, for example suicide bombers. Its a criminal act that suicide bomber oppose to do and I believe they are doctorate in the high solidarity category, because they feel when a member of a such group perceive that the group is threatened they are likely to be willing to sacrifice their life to protect the situation. This means criminal behavior contradictorily could happen because a persons social integrations are highly built and knitted with the society as well. You have been assigned a research study that examines possible discrimination against men in child custody cases. What will be the population(s) you will study? How will you sample the population(s)? How will you account for sex, race, age, income level, and other characteristics in your population(s)? If you took a qualitative approach, how would your methods differ? If I am assigned to research and examines possible discrimination against men In child custody cases, I would use a survey style. My population target group would be male groups that are once or currently trying to get there child from child custody cases. Ill use a sample, by random selects and categorizes them by income level only. This is because, no matter what nationality and how old they are as long as their income level succeed In a certain area, winning child custody case should be no problem. This Is because as long as a person has money, they should be able to support the children. My method would be different because a qualitative approach refers to situations where you collect data in an unstructured way. If you use an unstructured interview you will have qualitative data. Qualitative data will form the basis of a pilot study, where the aim is to get the best possible feel for the situation through broadly defined data. The results from the pilot study are then used to reduce a relatively more quantified approach. Select a cultural practice Tanat seems 000, Inexplicable, or Irrational to you Ana explain why this is so. By either interviewing members of the subculture group, and/ or reading or doing research about them, explain how the subculture practice you chose makes sense to members of the subculture group. Subculture is distinct social groups within wider cultural formations that define themselves in opposition to mainstream culture. The term subculture has been used extensively in cultural studies to distinguish those social groups, usually youth roofs, who use style to signify resistance to dominant culture. Subcultures, for example the low pants groups. One of the subculture practice that had always seem very odd, inexplicable and irrational to me is wearing your pants low till you see the bottom of your boxers. I mean, what is the point of wearing your pants so low? You cant run properly when your pants are so low because simply it might Just fell off. Honestly, I think wearing low pants are Just inappropriate, since your showing your boxers around in the public to demonstrate your coolness. Wearing low pants never amazed me. Low pants were originated from prison. Where prisoners who were available to be seduced/raped by other prisoners would wear their pants low and the trend was lasted and eventually seek out of the prison cell into almost every corner of the streets, because people wants to continue the trend remember the history. But the definition of being seduce and raped by other male prisoners had been erased. On the street people who wear lows pants simply wants to look cool with the old gangster like fashion. They believe wearing their pants low would attract females. Imagine you are a religious leader who is trying to retain young adults as they grow up and separate from their families. You recognize that marriage and parenthood are no longer considered as important in the transition to adulthood as they were in the past. What rite of passage could you develop to appeal to todays young adults? Why are such ceremonies important in our society? What do they symbolize? I would make my appeal full of statistic numbers, which will seem very convenience. I would use numbers and examples of the history to acknowledge peoples stupidity about their current thinking. This kind of ceremonies are very important to our society, because without the sense of marriage we would not care about the bonding towards our society, and without parenthood, we wouldnt realize what is it feel to continue life for our next generations. This is very important to our society because this allows human to create our next generations and to get the sense of parenthood as our ancestors did. Our children, who would one day become like us and continue to do sexual reproductions to maintain the number of population in the world. This symbolizes reproductions of our next generations and the continuation of life in this society.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Profiles of Famous Black Scientists

Profiles of Famous Black Scientists Black scientists, engineers, and inventors have made important contributions to society. These profiles of famous people will help you learn about black scientists, engineers, inventors and their projects. Key Takeaways: Famous Black Scientists Famous black scientists include Mae Jemison, George Washington Carver, and Charles Drew.Although these scientists often faced discrimination, both men and women made significant contributions to science.Black scientists were innovators, inventors, and pioneers who made astounding discoveries. Patricia Bath In 1988, Patricia Bath invented the Cataract Laser Probe, a device that painlessly removes cataracts. Prior to this invention, cataracts were surgically removed. Patricia Bath founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. In 1988, Patricia Bath invented the Cataract Laser Probe, a device that painlessly removes cataracts. Prior to this invention, cataracts were surgically removed. Patricia Bath founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. Melvin Oatis and Dr. Patricia Bath attend TIME Celebrates FIRSTS on September 12, 2017 in New York City. Ben Gabbe / Getty Images George Washington Carver George Washington Carver was an agricultural chemist who discovered industrial uses for crop plants such as sweet potatoes, peanuts, and soybeans. He developed methods for improving the soil. Carver recognized that legumes return nitrates to the soil. His work led to crop rotation. Carver was born a slave in Missouri. He struggled to gain an education, eventually graduating from what was to become Iowa State University. He joined the faculty of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in 1986. Tuskegee is where he performed his famous experiments. George Washington Carver in Laboratory. Corbis via Getty Images / Getty Images Marie Daly In 1947, Marie Daly became the first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry. The majority of her career was spent as a college professor. In addition to her research, she developed programs to attract and aid minority students in medical and graduate school. Mae Jemison Mae Jemison is a retired medical doctor and American astronaut. In 1992, she became the first black woman in space. She holds a degree in chemical engineering from Stanford and a degree in medicine from Cornell. She remains very active in science and technology. Mae Jemison speaks to students at Woodrow Wilson High School on March 19, 2009 in Washington, DC. Brendan Hoffman / Getty Images Percy Julian Percy Julian developed the anti-glaucoma drug physostigmine. Dr. Julian was born in Montgomery, Alabama, but educational opportunities for African Americans were limited in the South at that time, so he received his undergraduate degree from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. His research was conducted at DePauw University. Samuel Massie Jr. In 1966, Massie became the first black professor at the U.S. Naval Academy, making him the first black to teach full-time at any US military academy. Massie received a masters degree in chemistry from Fisk University and a doctorate in organic chemistry from Iowa State University. Massie was a professor of chemistry at the Naval Academy, became the chairman of the department of chemistry and co-founded the Black Studies program. Garrett Morgan Garrett Morgan is responsible for several inventions. Garret Morgan was born in Paris, Kentucky in 1877. His first invention was a hair straightening solution. October 13, 1914, he patented a Breathing Device which was the first gas mask. The patent described a hood attached to a long tube that had an opening for air and the second tube with a valve that allowed air to be exhaled. On November 20, 1923, Morgan patented the first traffic signal in the U.S. He later patented the traffic signal in England and Canada. Norbert Rillieux Norbert Rillieux invented a revolutionary new process for refining sugar. Rillieux’s most famous invention was a multiple effect evaporator, which harnessed steam energy from boiling sugarcane juice, greatly reducing refining costs. One of Rillieuxs patents was initially declined because it was believed he was a slave and therefore not a US citizen (Rillieux was free). Katherine Johnson Katherine Johnson (born August 26, 1918) made major contributions to the United States space program in the field of digital electronic computers. The book and movie Hidden Figures feature the significance of her work. Katherine Johnson (middle) at the 89th Annual Academy Awards. FilmMagic / Getty Images James West James West (born February 10, 1931) invented the microphone in the 1960s. He holds 47 US patents and over 200 foreign patents for microphones and polymer foil electrets. Wests transducers are used in over 90 percent of microphones in use today. Ernest Everett Just Ernest Just (1883-1941) was an African-American scientist and teacher. He pioneered research into cell development and fertilization. Benjamin Banneker Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) was a self-educated astronomer and mathematician. He surveyed the land that became the nations capitol. Banneker exchanged letters with Thomas Jefferson to further the cause of racial equality.

Monday, November 4, 2019

David Tudor and Gordon Mumma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

David Tudor and Gordon Mumma - Essay Example The works of David Tudor was very significant and noted for their utilization of electronic circuits in creating different sounds. His â€Å"quirky† use of electronics has made a great impact on many of the modern day composers. In conversation with David Behrman, Ron Kuivilla stated that â€Å"†¦.the instability of the electronics, the absence of presets and the viewpoint configuration defies the identity of the composition, combine to make it very difficult to distinguish performance from composition.’ (Behrman 14) The circuitry that he made use of for all his compositions was not only original but so very complicated, that it made it very difficult to understand the working of the piece. Only now, so many years after his passing, are colleagues and fans trying to understand the complicated circuitry used by David Tudor. Most of this was due to the fact that Tudor didn’t label any physical parts, and sketched his circuits out on paper. (Adams) It was this pragmatic approach towards music that helped David Tudor earn a prestigious place in the history of experimental music.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Management Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Strategies - Essay Example This can, in part, be contributed to past analysis which has effected in a study of decision making behaviour. This analysis by various scholars has depicted the fact that decisions regarding risky organisational decisions brings out contradictory reactions. Here, we can find the essence of the dichotomy that risk taking strikes as a major aspect of business activities. Risk, in case of such decisions, is seen as a focus of single determinants of behaviour arising from risk theories. Although this approach does not conform to real life situations in an obvious fashion, it has led to potentially inaccurate conclusions about risk behaviour. Such unresolved contradictions can be reconciled by examining the usefulness of placing risk propensity and risk proportion in a more central role than has been previously recognised. Based on such analysis, it is believed that the propensity of risk dominates both the actual and perceived characteristics of the situation as a determinant of risk behaviour. Such an observation can safely justify the finding that suggests that apart from being central to any and every business or organisation, risk is something that entrepreneurs in general, are averse to. This brings us to a discussion on business and kinds of risks. Business can be conducted in any sphere of the earth - literally. Today we have a plethora of businesses on land apart from the ones on water and in air. Apart from the normal business activities, one can find airlines and maritime organisations emerging as major sectors. If we are to take the example of maritime, it is the oldest sector in terms of innovation and discoveries. There have been perils to overcome, risks to undertake, more powerful vessels to make each time, and even more powerful contracts to insure and protect the maritime entrepreneurs, as we are going to refer to these 'shipmen' in the course of this paper. Marina organisations today have spread their wings beyond mere cargo vessels and are now running good profits in the sphere of luxury liners, etc. With risks and businesses come allied industries. Insurance and financial risk management are major industries that thrive side by side with any sector in the world, for there is no area that has been spared the occurrence of risks and accidents as well as catastrophes. Maritime activities hold the promise of enormous risks, which can be analysed in its various aspects as follows, from the insurance point of view: Type and size of boats using the marina New industries established in adjacent areas Changes in the international and national regulatory environment Marina 3 Aging of the marina infrastructure Recent waterfront development Changes in response to equipment, technology and availability Logistics Identification of human and natural resources Trends in political climate and global economy These points besides being self explanatory are relevant in context of the current state of affairs. They have every potentiality of developing from minor to major crises, which explains the development and growth of the field of financial risk management. This can be attributed to the fact that at the end of the day, any loss has financial implications of its own and is deeply rooted in the genesis of risk taking and management. The above mentioned points, with a strong background of financial